Recently it has been brought to our attention that there are fake copies of our site spreading throughout the net. Make sure that you access the correct site by reading what is in your url address bar - … uTorrent is a light client from BitTorrent that uses fewer resources than others of its sort. This simple .exe file contains a powerful app for downloading files in .torrent format with greater speed and reliability than other P2P programs like Emule. 25/04/2020 Legal. We DO NOT have or track any information about what type of content the torrents point to. We DO NOT have any type of search or listing system. The former search screen based on Transdroid Search is available as a separate application on F-Droid.. F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for … About is an open bittorrent tracker, that anyone can use freely. Usage. To use this tracker, add the following address to your torrents:
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